It’s all about balance…

Striking a good work-life balance is important no matter what one of work you are in.

But for those in high-stress industries, such as healthcare and the veterinary industry, it can be even more important to prioritise.

For those on the frontline, you may be thinking, ‘what work-life balance?’

We hear you. It is a tough act.

But for those who own and manage veterinary practices, prioritising this balance is crucial for the well-being of your staff.

A good work-life balance means happier staff.

Happier staff are more productive and will more than likely stay in the profession for longer.

So how can you help encourage a positive balance in your staff whilst maintaining an efficient practice?

How to encourage staff work-life balance for Veterinary Practice Managers

  1. Prioritise time

    Those in the vet industry are in it for their love of animals. So more than likely, they put themselves second to every animal that passes them by.

    Encouraging your staff to put themselves first doesn’t mean they neglect their patients. It means they put as much time into their own well-being as well as each and every animal.

  2. Set goals

    Encourage your staff to set goals for both their home and work life to ensure they prioritise all aspects of their lives – not just work.

    Whether it be scheduling gym classes after work or taking time out to rest. Encourage them to pursue their interest outside of work and share them with their colleagues.

  3. Delegate!

    One person simply cannot perform all tasks without burning out.

    Delegate tasks amongst your staff and don’t be scared to share responsibilities amongst the staff who are keen to take on extra challenges.

    As a business owner, it is commonplace to take on too many tasks yourself. It may seem quicker and easier to do it this way, however, over time, you will be worse off. Delegation is the key to effective time management.

  4. Communicate

    Don’t be afraid to chat with your staff and get to know them a little better. Celebrate their personal lives and victories – the birthdays, the work anniversaries, those important milestones. Share the highs as well as the lows.

    Get to know their family members to build connections and conversations. Schedule staff morning teas and team bonding events. It all helps to build a cohesive working unit and enable your staff to feel part of a team.

  5. It’s OK to say no

    As much as you may need your staff to step up in times of need, the need to know it is ok to say no.

    Working extra shifts is not always a possibility and it is important for your staff to understand their health and safety will always come first.

    Ensure you are across your Human Resource Management responsibilities including hours worked by staff per week, time between shifts and overtime.

    Allow staff to take leave when they need it by scheduling staff annual leave in a coordinated manner. Everyone needs time to recharge to work at their highest potential.

Managing staff in a high-pressure environment is a tough gig. But for those practice owners and managers who can master the balance, the rewards will come.

The team at Fusion can not only help you manage your veterinary finances, but help with the overall management and longevity of your practice.

Our Accounting for Vets financial services can help you to manage not only your practice finances, but your practice goals, client and staff retention stratgies.

If you’d like to speak with our team about managing your vet staff, give our office a call or make an appointment